Justice is Turned Back

by Mary Beth on January 18, 2022

“Justice is turned back, and righteousness stand far away; for truth has stumbled in the public squares, and uprightness cannot enter. Truth is lacking, and he who departs from evil makes himself a prey.” Is. 59:14,15.

Isaiah’s prophecies from the Living Word are just as relevant today. Scripture continues to resonate belief through a living whisper, pointing to the prevalent absurdities displayed in our individualistic culture lacking in truth and justice. I’ve enjoyed helpful insights from Matthew Henry’s commentary on Isaiah 59.

  1. Decay of moral honesty; pluralism runs with a compromised condition of double-heartedness tolerated in society. But a government in which the majority rule in all cases cannot be based on justice, even as far as men understand it. Can there not be a government in which majorities do not virtually decide right and wrong, but conscience? —in which majorities decide only those questions to which the rule of expediency is applicable? Must the citizen ever for a moment, or in the least degree, resign his conscience to the legislator? Why has every man a conscience, then? “I think we should be men first, and subjects second.” -Henry David Thoreau.”
  2. Instead of reforming the land, justice is turned back; moving backwards. The administration of justice has become but a cover to the greatest injustice. Judgement, that should check the proceedings of fraud and violence, is driven back, and so they go on triumphantly. Justice stand far off, even from our courts of judicatory, which are so crowded with the patrons of oppression that equity cannot enter, cannot have admission into the court, cannot be heard, or at least will not be heeded.
  3. The standard of truth is lost among society; lies, falsehood, entitlement, individualism, selfish ambition, and idolatry proudly shouts a depth of chaos and evil. Resulting in a massive stumbling or void of truthful, godly leadership in our personal communities and churches. Also, within our political leaders. “Truth is fallen in the street, and there she may lie to be trampled upon by every foot of pride, and she has never a friend that will lend a hand to help her up; yea, truth fails in common conversation, and in dealings between man and man, so that one knows not whom to believe nor whom to trust.”

Earlier in Isaiah 59: 9-13 further reveals their conscience acknowledging, owning, and despairing of the sins that stare them in the face. They don’t know what to do, “Our hope is lost; we don’t know what to do.”

Are they acknowledging personal or social sin? What sin? Who will know? Will anyone see? Shame and guilt eventually reveals itself, for sin in its nature is active not passive. Sin is parasitic in nature, it feeds on the good to invert, taint, spoil, damage, or steal one’s very life. The evil purpose and end is to rob and destroy. Evil is complicated and dark, so justice is not easily attainable for us apart from Christ.

The sin in our individual lives and collective humanity, originally exists inherently. We are born within total depravity upon arrival in our earthly human nature, until we are saved by the divine mercy and grace of Jesus Christ. Only God can redeem our souls from guilt and shame; from the significant strongholds that affect our soul. Through Christ Jesus we gain a new nature; as a new creation in Christ. This is our Almighty God’s gracious plan and purpose in Christ, for our initial salvation and ongoing sanctification.

God created the heavens and the earth, and all that lives by His gracious mercies. He sustains by His providential hand of goodness, order and rhythm. Righteousness goes before Him. However, mankind in a depraved state, has rejected justice, truth, righteousness, and uprightness.

What are we to do? How should we then live? The questions continue to challenge us today, as much as the day from an amazing prophetic voice, Francis A. Schaeffer.

“People have value systems in the basic way an individual looks at life, their values and decisions through a worldview in which we see the world. A Proverb is most profound in stating, “As a man thinks, so is he.” Humanists are sure that man starting from himself could solve every problem…a complete faith in man to solve it all. Rome did not fall because of external forces such as the invasion of the barbarians. Rome had no sufficient inner base; the barbarians only completed the breakdown-and Rome gradually became a ruin.”

The Reformation ushered in a great awakening, challenging and yet benefitting the local, ordinary believer. Amazingly, biblical theology was finally available for all to glean and understand holy Scriptures in their own language. By the power of the Holy Spirit, leading conviction of our depravity from the Fall; comfort in our significance, value, dignity and beliefs derived from the clarity, authority, and necessity of Scripture. Further to gather values: a biblical worldview of God, the Gospel message of reconciliation, and God’s will for spiritual maturity. Although times have improved and changed indeed, our societies reveal modern man is still in need and hungers for a godly reformation. God’s Word will not return empty. It shall accomplish and succeed. Is. 55:11,12. The law of the Lord is perfect, reviving the soul.

It’s common to doubt God’s sovereignty and goodness, specifically when we encounter everyday trials or terrible suffering with evil times and leaders. Moses, Joseph, Esther, Job, Martha, and Peter remind us how limited our capacities are to understand or even respond with eternity in mind. The Ancient of Days, our Creator God is with us; He is our God who sees, knows, and hears us. He is always active and present in pursuing and purposing good for those who love Him.

Three areas to encourage our souls:


“Doubt swells and surges, with swelling doubt behind! My soul in storm is but a tattered sail, streaming its ribbons on the torrent gale; In calm, ‘tis but a limp and flapping thing; Oh, swell it with thy breath; make it a wing, To sweep through Thee the ocean, with Thee the wind, nor rest until in Thee its haven it shall find.”

Diary of an Old Soul, George MacDonald.


Consider beautiful hymns: Be Thou My Vision, This is My Father World, Before the Throne of God Above, A Mighty Fortress, and Rock of Ages.


Meditate on the character and promises of God throughout Scripture. Guiding us to understand His wisdom, providence and powerful hand that sustains and cares for what He creates. Including us!

-Who has measured the waters in the hollow of his hand and marked off the heavens with a span, enclosed the dust of the earth in a measure and weighed the mountains in scales and the hills in a balance?

-Who has measured the Spirit of the Lord, or what man shows him his counsel? Whom did he consult, and who made him understand?

-Who taught him the path of justice, and taught him knowledge, and showed him the way of understanding? To whom then will you liken God, or what likeness compare with him? Is. 40:12-14, 18.

How grateful we must be that God preserves a remnant for His glory. He has worked in and through mankind from generation to generation, for our good and His glory.

George Washington stated, “Truth will ultimately prevail where there is pains taken to bring it to light.” We hear and see many like-minded citizens and individuals counting the cost AND taking a stand with their conscience, careers, families, and country to live out the truth.

“For patience, when the rough winds blow! For patience, when our hopes are fading,-When visible things all backward go, And nowhere seems the power of aiding! God still enfolds thee with His viewless hand, And leads thee surely to the Fatherland.”

-N. L. Frothingham, from the German.

May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that by the purposes, power, and promises, the Holy Spirit may abound in our hearts with hope. Rom. 15:13

Grace and peace,


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