To reflect on hospitality around the world,
what comes to mind is how the Word of God is celebrated among the Nations.
The Suba people reside on Mfangano Island, Africa.
Only six years ago, 2013, they received the New Testament in their own heart language!
We will always remember our sisters and brothers living on Mfangano Island,
as one of the first Seed Company translation projects.
It took longer than expected and cost more more than anticipated,
yet the results are nothing short of a God thing!
Our photo below with Nahptali Mattah, myself and my husband Scott,
as we celebrated our partnership in the Word of God for the Nations.
We met with Nahptali Mattah, former head of the Suba project to celebrate,
“Gethsemane Gardens”,
the orphanage he and his wife started for the, “least of the least.”
The orphanage cares for young children who have been abandoned,
abused or encountered AIDS, and left behind.
A historical victory for this Island,
that sings praise to God for His healing hand holistically through the Word of God,
to the Suba families and throughout their wide-ranging culture and village communities.
God’s Word has spread throughout the entire Island!
Next to the orphanage they built a museum,
to honor the history of God’s hand in transformation in and throughout the Suba people,
and further to other tribes on Mfangano Island.
Within the museum, their story is vividly expressed from the first pioneers,
the arrival of the Word of God through their people, and
how this transformation led to the transformation
of their hand-crafted boats throughout each village.
The Suba people previously believed the boats carried evil spirits,
until the power of God’s Word and the Spirit of God
powerfully changed their hearts and tribal communities.
The Suba people had the boats not only repainted but reprinted,
BTL: Bible Transition Literacy on each side of the boat.
Now they believe each hand-crafted boat carries the Spirit of God,
to additional tribes on the Island in need of hearing the Word of God in their own heart language!
How is it possible to show hospitality around the world?
What better way than through the Word of God that powerfully divides every area of our hearts, homes, and communities?
Consider supporting Bible translation projects,
as they aim to reach difficult remote areas around the world, like Mfangano Island.
“His divine power has granted to us all things that pertain to life and godliness,
through the knowledge of him who called us to his own glory and excellence.” 2 Peter 1:3
May this young girl mature to be all that God created her to be in life,
through the Holy Spirit and the Word of God.
May she hide God’s Word in her heart.
Our God of all hope can do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine according to His power that is at work in us for His glory!