Your faithful presence God I hunger for like a lost sheep.
Your love is mercy, my soul to keep.
Your voice seeks to embrace, cherish and adore.
Your strength and power in my weakness; heal and restore.
My life clearly rests upon your contented shore.
My questions, frustrations: the great divide galore.
My need of Thee Eternal breath, wisdom breathe.
My soul clings to Life, you will never leave,
Together we face, what alone I could never bear.
Together this holiness, a sinner cannot handle; it’s your care.
Together in this pilgrimage by trained revelation.
Together You give requests your personal attention.
My strong Champion, your great love revives and holds me still.
You and all heaven applaud trust in communication.
You speak direct from your heart wise counsel.
You lead to establish the work of our hands.
To love eternally for your name’s sake.
To respond in prayer to life in the hills or valley.
To trust like a lamb, for I am blessed.
To meet suffering with humbleness. ~mba
Luke 6 & Psalms 62, 119
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