
    Through the faithful and kind providence of God,

we meet for a few rare moments.

Welcome!  🙂

In our fast paced culture, it’s easy to lose sight of true value,

significance, and worth. 

If we’ll listen,

the course of life shouts with a void of true identity,

that can sustain us.  

This void conveys lingering questions within our hearts

that is similar to an echo,

that wears out their welcome with a repetitive nature. 


Yet through the seasons of  joy,

struggles and questions,

God sees, hears, and knows our path. 

His grace is ever present in our scruples,

ambitions, doubts,

and career plans

often through a persistent whisper

that wakes our dehydrated soul. 

God has placed eternity in our hearts,

and until we find our rest in Him,

we’re unable to rest.


This is God’s story of His grace and mercy working all things

for good in and through my life. 

From childhood memories in the beautiful

northern state of Michigan,

with great waterskiing and

delicious blueberries;

to living the desire and pursuit

of a professional modeling career. 

Although God’s hand of favor was sought,

I’m grateful while in New York City our merciful God,

quietly yet strategically wooed, revealed, and challenged

the focus of my heart. 

Questions echoed and surrounded the meaninglessness of life;

specifically within the American dream. 

With Gods reputation to hover over and be on the move,

He pulled me out of the world’s parade

to breathe His eternal air. 


“There is a way that seems right to a man but in the end it leads to death”  ~ Proverbs 14:12.   

God’s grace eventually called me to a path

beyond the American dream,

to risk it all at the

Cross of Jesus Christ. 

As a new creation in Christ,

it was a beautiful surprise and deep fulfillment to be, 

His child and disciple. Even beyond as His ambassador,

with the message of grace and the ministry of reconciliation,

living right here in America. 

Life can be lived to its fullest in Christ, without selling all out to the American dream. 


 “…whoever wants to save his life will lose it,

but whoever loses his life for me and for the gospel will save it.” ~Mark 8: 35

The paradox is the path of finding true identity-

that sustains to live,

move and have our being. 

Our true identity and dignity is restored by believing

in Jesus Christ through

His death, burial and resurrection.

Trusting alone in the work of Christ, will find us lingering

and Savoring His presence.

*Click here to listen:  07 Live To Lose (Album)

“…The Lord does not look at the things man looks at. 

Man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.”

~1  Samuel 16:7  


My identity in Christ proclaims: 

“I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. 

The life I live in the body,

I live by faith in the Son of God,

who loved me and gave himself for me.” ~Galatians 2: 20


God calls our hearts to an urgent faith in Christ. 

Often by His providential hand,

He whispers to us through questions that may seem to haunt the mind and soul during struggles,

set backs and difficulties of life. 

He sometimes, oftentimes calls us to wait in them,

to surrender and trust Him

in uncomfortable or painful situations,

by His mercy and

Mighty Right Hand

in and through the life of Christ Jesus. 

He is our only victory; the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ! 

Amidst the shout in our culture, as it was then and still is now that I refute:

I don’t have to be great because He is!

“…Lord, to whom shall we go?  You have the words of eternal life.”  ~John 6:68

As a child of God, wife to my best friend, and mom to great young adults, 

life holds a variety of seasons to

press into our faithful,

Heavenly Father for His Presence alone.  

God is true to who He says He is: 

good, faithful, true, just, loving, tender,

humble, gentle, strong,

and so much more

than we can grasp in this lifetime thankfully.

What a gift and joy to contemplate and dwell

in the house of the Lord

all the days of my life,

to gaze upon the beauty of the Lord-

to seek him in his His temple.  ~Psalms 27:4


As a novice writer,

scripture and contemplation show forth

through many struggles in long seasons.

God’s grace led me to ponder and wrestle

through times of prayer;

  to learn, to wait, to trust the Lord.

It’s messy, but He stays with me.

For the Spirit of God matures my understanding

within His perspective,

for His kingdom and glory.

Specifically, when I struggle with deeper questions in life:

How to walk worthy of the kingdom?  How to suffer well?


It’s humbling to bring my writing

from journal to page,

especially without journalism experience in this knowledge

saturated society. 

However, it’s a humble and honest walk,

aiming to love God with my trust

Its been a few moons since New York City.

I’m now in a season of our family life,

where I enjoy cherished moments of creative writing

and all its vulnerabilities.

"It’s the possibility of writing 
on the eternal skies 
the record of a heroic life.” 

To trust and savor daily His multitude of mercies;

each small happenings that are often insignificant and yet silent,

are treasured mercies.

Each resurrected day.

Be present and amazed;

His faithful presence is living

within us!

It’s my hope, earnest prayer and life journey to

Savor His Presence

*Be encouraged:  03 All You’ll Ever Need by Tenth Avenue North


My purpose and hope is for our God of all comfort and 
Father of compassion, 

will encourage your heart to 
*Savor His Presence* 
in whatever challenges you face, 

and trust His *Mighty Right Hand* at all times. 

It’s the only quiet place in a noisy world.  

To Live Is Christ

~Philippians 1:20,21

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