Celebrate everyday…

by Mary Beth on April 10, 2012


“The husk of his humanity could contain the divine Son of God no longer.  In the grave, God touched him.  He burst through the limitations of his manhood and revealed himself for who he was:  the King of Kings and Lord of Lords; the victorious one; the Savior of the world.”             ~Joyce Huggett, Reflections for Lent


While the Lord Jesus Christ lived on earth, especially at the peak of his death, burial and resurrection, he placed his trust and committed his spirit to God.  From the Easter holiday we celebrate Christ and our Triune God who shines forth, faithful and true.   For in this celebration, there’s a rich gift everyday of joy for our own hearts to be encouraged especially in the daily weakness’s and throughout our many limitations to trust in God… for He is the Father of all mercies and the God of all comfort.   ~2 Corinthians 1:3

As biblical believers, we’re called to trust in the Lord with all our heart and lean not on our own understanding, but in all our ways to acknowledge him and he will make our paths straight. ~Proverbs 3:5 &6

Even Jesus learned through what he suffered, likewise as we travel through this life, learning to trust Christ as our Lord; our refuge and strength, a sanctuary to where we can always go.  Trust will taste and see a perspective of heart, that will praise our God of all grace and proclaim:  “For I know that my Redeemer lives…!”    ~Job 19:25


Jesus Christ, the only One seated on the throne.

There’s only One seated on the throne,

The King of kings and the Lord of lords.

Right now, there’s only One seated on the throne,

And He is in control!


“… thanks be to God,who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.”    ~ 1 Corinthians 15:57



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