What path will we choose to follow this new year?
How will we live out
our dance of faith and trust in God?
By the goodness and grace of God,
let us aim to put feet to our faith
and join all creation to declare
the glory of God.
The heavens declare the glory of God, and the sky above proclaims his handiwork.
Day to day pours out speech, and night to night reveals knowledge.
There is no speech nor are there words, whose voice is not heard.
Their voice goes throughout all the earth,
and their words to the end of the world. Psalm 19
Together with creation,
and throughout all the Nations
within the priesthood of believers,
let us move out with the Word of God
to be a faithful voice.
A faithful voice and a faithful witness
to proclaim His name, renown and glory.
For God is our dwelling place through all generations,
establishing the work of our hands each common day
through the life and power of
Jesus Christ.
The great need of our time is the perseverance of the Saints.
This is no time to be seduced by the world,
or to compromise the will, order and rhythm of God’s counsel and ways.
How do we best aim to daily declare the glory of God?
~Declare the glory of God in our ordinary lives.
As we celebrated the 500th year of the reformation in 2017,
I was deeply inspired by Martin Luther’s bold life as a Augustinian monk,
theologian and apologist.
The Father of the Protestant Church,
a Reformer with his powerful command of language,
and his practical wisdom for our everyday lives-
lived as a servant and steward to reform and call the Church to repentance,
and to return to the gospel.
Luther’s love of the Word of God and the goodness of the ordinary life,
passionately encouraged the priesthood and nobility of all believers.
The focus of clergy no longer as a special class or privileged rights,
is a needed message as much today as it was in Luther’s day.
I am basking in the wonders of God,
for our recent travels last month throughout the country of Germany.
To learn historical details of the great Reformers in the Reformation,
only kindled afresh the flame of God’s Word
and the goodness of our ordinary, common lives.
“The reformers were driven by the glory of God that the final sola
of the Reformation focuses on the divine glory.
With them, we proclaim soli Deo gloria-to God alone be the glory.” Burk Parsons
To declare the glory of God in our ordinary lives,
is to delight in the Word of God.
To taste and see; to trust and obey.
To deeply meditate, linger,
and keep moving in the Word of God.
“For the law of the LORD is perfect, reviving the soul; the testimony of the LORD is sure, making wise the simple; the precepts of the LORD are right, rejoicing the heart; the commandment of the LORD is pure, enlightening the eyes; the fear of the LORD is clean, enduring forever; the rules of the the LORD are true, and righteous all together. More to be desired are they than gold, even much fine gold; sweeter than honey and drippings of the honeycomb.” Psalm 19
To learn His counsel which sheds light,
gives stability and sustains us on our God-given paths.
More importantly,
to holistically embrace and live the knowledge and powerful love of Christ,
not only for our hungry hearts, complex lives and relationships
but to be a daily living beacon-
offering a clear conscience and the hope of the gospel throughout our communities.
“Give unto the LORD the glory due His name;
worship the LORD in the beauty of holiness.” Psalm 29:2
~Declare the glory of God as we listen and wait for Him.
During the frigid winter months, I truly enjoy the seemingly
barren transparency within nature.
The beauty of stillness in the country woods,
often will invite me into a quiet reflection;
a chance to listen to the silence.
Our call to walk worthy of the kingdom and to holy living,
is a daily opportunity to declare the character and glory of God.
I need to remind myself often each day,
as my heart will tend to drift,
our Immanuel is with us.
For the Word of God is living and powerful to action,
able to reach intimately into
the intentions and motives that lodge in our soul, mind and spirit.
“For this God is our God for ever and ever;
he will be our guide even to the end.” ~Psalms 48:14
~Declare the glory of God in whatever we do.
Be it in times of prayer, study in the Word of God,
our family life, work environments, time with friends
or the wonder of worship in creation,
may we gaze upon the beauty of the LORD and declare His praises.
Gaze deeply upon God and His glory-
all in the face and life of Jesus Christ,
for He is the radiance of the glory of God.
The Reformation still matters today,
with a vital need for the Church
to focus on repentance and the gospel of Christ.
While we enjoy our Prince of Peace,
His presence, and providential purposes in our lives,
let us press on to be His faithful witnesses,
all to the glory of God alone.